Blog Simple Solution to Overcome the Causes of Allergy Symptoms

Simple Solution to Overcome the Causes of Allergy Symptoms

Simple Solution to Overcome the Causes of Allergy Symptoms

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction that cannot be cured, but the symptoms and attacks can be controlled. Therefore, sufferers are expected to be able to deal with the symptoms of rhinitis correctly, otherwise this will cause a decrease in the sufferer's quality of life and cause sinusitis. So sinusitis can occur due to allergic rhinitis that is not treated properly, and it can also be caused by flu that is not treated properly.

Allergic rhinitis sufferers can prevent further severity by avoiding or reducing the number of allergen triggers (allergies in the surrounding environment). The most common causes of allergic rhinitis are dust mites from carpets, curtains, bedding and furniture, pollen from grass and plants, dander -animal dander, mold, fungal spores, and cockroaches including their saliva and feces.

Gelair is a product formulated with the best quality Australian Tea Tree Oil plant for indoor cleaning and care. The broad spectrum antimicrobial and antifungal properties of Gelair products can be widely used in the home to improve air quality, clean and sterilize and provide long-lasting protection against allergen triggers namely MOLD, BACTERIA and VIRUSES.

GELAIR provides a SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE SOLUTION to control the causes of allergy symptoms in your room environment.

For an introduction to Gelair products, please click the following link:

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