Blog Mulltifunctional Anti Bacterial and Anti Fungal AC Cleaner

Mulltifunctional Anti Bacterial and Anti Fungal AC Cleaner

Mulltifunctional Anti Bacterial and Anti Fungal AC Cleaner

Have you ever seen an Air Conditioning (AC) like this? Air dirt accumulates in the AC filter. If so, you can imagine the air coming out of the AC would also be just as dirty and the air we breathe. Simple but dangerous.

Cleaning Air Conditioning units is often done using just water, or ordinary soap. In this way, dust, dirt and mold only disappear temporarily and it doesn't take long for everything to reappear.

Maintaining the cleanliness of the Air Conditioning (HVAC system) regularly with cleaners containing ANTI BACTERIAL, ANTI FUNGAL and ANTI VIRUS ingredients will optimize your indoor Clean Air (Improve Indoor Air Quality).

Why is that ?

Through an Air Conditioning system that is continuously managed in a room, the room has the potential to become a nest for dust, various types of microbes, fungi and bacteria as well as viruses, thus greatly affecting the health of the occupants of the room every day.

Gelair products as AC Cleaners provide SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS for maintaining Indoor Air Quality through clean maintenance of Air Conditioning units (HVAC systems).

Gelair Coil & Duct is a cleaning chemical product for Air Conditioning systems. The main content of Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic (anti bacterial) and strong broad spectrum anti fungal to combat and prevent various types of fungi, bacteria (including Legionella), proven effective in controlling Golden Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) for strains that are resistant to Methicilin (MRSA), Vancomycin (VRSA) and stops viral replication (including HSV & H1N1).

Combined with the Gelair Block product which is placed in your Air Conditioning system, it provides CLEAN AIR and HEALTHY throughout your entire room. Works 24/7 continuously. Free from BACTERIA, FUNGAL and VIRUSES.

Clean Air with AC Cleaner Gelair!

For an introduction to Gelair products, please click the following link: